Monday 2 July 2018

Singapore Stocks to Watch - China Aviation Oil, PropNex, Vard Holdings

SINGAPORE - The accompanying stocks are to be kept in the watchlist after the Singapore stock market news arrived on July 1, which could influence the stock investment trading. 

China Aviation Oil Singapore Corp (CAO)- CAO has obtained a private-possessed stream fuel supply and exchanging outfit based out of the UK for about US$8 million. The organization on Friday said it has finished the procurement of Navires Aviation for a thought of about U$8 million from Castleton Commodities Merchant Trading LP. It included that the procurement of Navires will enable it to fortify its a dependable balance in the European flying business sector, utilizing Navires' fly fuel supply system and activities spine to drive the avionics promoting business in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp area and past. The counter last exchanged at $1.48 each, down 1.3 percent.

Singapore Stocks to Watch -  China Aviation Oil, PropNex, Vard Holdings
Singapore Stocks to Watch -  China Aviation Oil, PropNex, Vard Holdings 

PropNex- Homegrown land administrations bunch PropNex will influence it is exchanging to make a big appearance at 9 am on Monday. BT revealed throughout the end of the week that PropNex's first sale of stock (IPO) shut with its open offer tranche 24.6 times bought in. The 2.125 million offers that it offered for open membership at $0.65 each, drew 1,796 legitimate applications for around 52.24 million offers. The general society offers shut at twelve on June 28. Its 40.375 million arrangement shares at a similar cost were additionally completely put out. With everything taken into account, the offering was around 2.2 times bought in light of the aggregate 42.5 million offers advertised. Four gatherings got no less than 5 percent of the offers offered Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore, Principal Global Investors (Singapore), Pheim Asset Management and Qilin Wealth Fund. 

Vard Holdings- Today's last stock recommendation is the Vard Holdings as the Vard investors will meet on July 24 to vote again on a proposed delisting after another roundabout conquered introductory worries by Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX Regco), the shipbuilder reported on Monday. The leave offer for investors of Vard by Italy's Fincantieri Oil and Gas has likewise been stretched out to Aug 7 from July 20. Fincantieri is putting forth to purchase the rest of the Vard shares that it doesn't officially possess at 25 pennies each with a mean to take Vard private. As at June 29, 2018, Fincantieri held an 87 percent stake in Vard. The counter last exchanged at 26 pennies each on Friday. 

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